What Does Delta 8 Smell Like – Products With & Without Smell

What Does Delta 8 Smell Like

What Does Delta 8 Smell Like? Trying to enjoy your cannabis plant without the strong smell we are all so familiar with? So many cannabis consumers have this problem and try different methods to mask the ever present herbal aroma. Some go as far as trying everything from vaporisers to having the handy old deodorant ready. However, Delta 8 THC products have its advantages as some of these products are favoured for being scent free.

So if you are concerned about carrying products that have a noticeable fragrance and you would prefer to be more discreet, we might have all the answers you are looking for.

What Delta 8 products have a cannabis or herbal smell?

When in its purest form Delta 8 THC does not typically have a distinct smell. However, the Delta 8 smell depends mostly on which form and type of product it is infused into, this can usually range from a sweet aroma to the herbal scent of cannabis. Basically the overall scent of the product will depend on the ingredients and product it is infused into.

Which Delta 8 Products Have No or Discreet Smell?

If a discreet Delta 8 product is what you are looking for, edibles and tinctures are the way to go. They carry none of the Delta 8 smell associated with cannabis.

Edibles are made with marijuana leaves or higher potency cannabis extracts which make it way less-detectable and a viable alternative to smoking marijuana. They may look like common baked goods, candies, and beverages. This means they typically do not carry any herbal scent of hemp flower due to the ingredients and flavoring used to mask them.

Delta 8 Tinctures are masked very much in the same way. If you purchase a flavored tincture, it will include ingredients made to improve the taste by covering the scent and taste of hemp.

Which products would you avoid and are less discreet?

Unfortunately most other methods of Delta 8 consumption will come with a robust scent. Delta 8 THC flower is a CBD flower that includes Delta 8 THC distillate. This gives the CBD/hemp flower a very distinct smell as it is rich in terpenes and natural compounds. Do a quick smell test and you will quickly be reminded of the strong scents.

Terpenes are natural occurring chemical compounds found in plants and even in some animals. They are responsible for the flavors, aromas, and in some instances even the colors associated with various types of vegetation. In terms of cannabis, terpenes are what make certain strains smell or taste different from others.

Concentrates have an abundance of terpenes and as such the product emits a herbal odor and stronger smell when opened. However, it should be noted that when stored properly the product should have no smell. In other words, if stored correctly, they shouldn’t have a scent unless opened up.

Delta 8 THC vapes are often marketed as being cannabis scent free. However, in most instances vaporized liquids will have a distinct herbal smell. The scent it carries will depend on the ingredients and flavors in the vaporized chamber.

Can you reduce the smell of Delta 8 products?

As mentioned above, each method of consumption offers its own unique experience and challenge. If you prefer a pure Delta 8 flower, there are some handy life hacks you can use to mask the cannabis smell and store your product correctly and discreetly.

If you insist on smoking your delta 8 flower, we recommend the use of a sploof. Sploofs are filters that work by trapping the terpenes. When smoke is exhaled through a sploof, it will absorb a good amount of the molecules, making less pungent smoke that emerges from the other side. As the cannabis industry continues to blossom, commercial sploofs are becoming commonplace that use replaceable filters and eco-friendly cartridges.

In other words, by having the correct equipment, you can smoke Delta 8 flowers discreetly.


Does delta 8 smell ? Yes, but it doesn’t have to! The cannabis industry is currently thriving and as such has led to the legality of many of your favorite products in most states. However, if you prefer to stay discreet, we recommend choosing edibles and tinctures for a scentless experience.

If you do choose to enjoy Delta 8 flowers and natural hemp flower product, you can make your experience less subtle with the correct equipment and storage.

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About Author: Plain Jane


Make way for XLR8’s top writer Plain Jane. She’s a fearless CBD crusader and advocate for unapologetic stoners! With a passion for all things cannabis and a no-nonsense attitude, Plain Jane is here to shake up the status quo and revolutionize how we think about Delta 8, 9, 10, CBD and THCA. As a seasoned wordsmith in the cannabis industry, Plain Jane doesn't hold back. She dives deep into the science behind cannabinoids, dispels myths with a sledgehammer, and serves up the real deal about CBD and THC. Get ready to break free from outdated beliefs and embrace the power of organic cannabinoids with Plain Jane leading the charge. Strap in and let's blaze a trail to a healthier, happier you!